Thursday, March 29, 2007

Disney World

I am currently planning my next trip to Disney World. Although I haven't been in many years, I have been many times. My favorite park is the Magic Kingdom. In my heart, the castle is the official symbol of the Magic Kingdom. The oldest picture I have of myself in front of the castle was taken about 32 years ago. If you have never been to Disney World click here to get more information.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Thoughts on This Class

We are half way through the semester now and I have to say that I am really enjoying this class. Not only can I see a future use for the material we are learning, I'm having fun learning it! I bought a computer 5 or 6 years ago and other than downloading music, I have never bothered to experiment to see what else it might be useful for. I find that I have begun to "play with it" more and more.

International Blog Ex.#2

Here is one more example of an international blog:click here.

International Blog Ex#1

I realize this assignment is late. It was due the week my father passed away. I am just now getting back to it. I located a teacher(Teresa d'Eca)/student blog in Portugal. If you would like to view it, click here.