Thursday, April 19, 2007


I hope I have completed all blog assignments and have gotten the majority of them done on time. This completes my assignments and my blog is now closed!

Things I have learned in this class

This class has proven to be very beneficial for me because everything we have gone over I have learned. In other words, I started this class with basically no knowledge. I have learned how to set up a power point presentation, how to use text boxes to insert pictures and clip art, what a blog is, how to write in html code- and what that means, many functions in Excel(and what a spreadsheet is), and how to insert footnotes, symbols, characters, headers and footers, among many other basic techniques in Word.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Web site link

Now that I understand a little more about creating a web-site, I would probably try to create something a little more difficult if I had it to do again. I have completed my web-site. I have corrected all of the red warning tags. My web-site explains some of the myths associated with certain gemstones.To view my web-site click here.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Disney World

I am currently planning my next trip to Disney World. Although I haven't been in many years, I have been many times. My favorite park is the Magic Kingdom. In my heart, the castle is the official symbol of the Magic Kingdom. The oldest picture I have of myself in front of the castle was taken about 32 years ago. If you have never been to Disney World click here to get more information.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Thoughts on This Class

We are half way through the semester now and I have to say that I am really enjoying this class. Not only can I see a future use for the material we are learning, I'm having fun learning it! I bought a computer 5 or 6 years ago and other than downloading music, I have never bothered to experiment to see what else it might be useful for. I find that I have begun to "play with it" more and more.

International Blog Ex.#2

Here is one more example of an international blog:click here.

International Blog Ex#1

I realize this assignment is late. It was due the week my father passed away. I am just now getting back to it. I located a teacher(Teresa d'Eca)/student blog in Portugal. If you would like to view it, click here.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Weekly Post

Today we are turning in our final drafts for our tri-fold brochures. I suppose we will be starting our web sites today also-GOODY!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Web Site

I'm beginning to think I would like to change my story board for my web-site. I like the myths behind the powers of gemstones and crystals; however, I probably don't need to have my sanity questioned by fellow future-educators! Maybe I'll stick with it until I start getting "strange" looks.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sweetheart Day

I was just searching for examples of k-12 international blogs(no luck) when I realized it is once again Valentine's Day. I don't know how I manage to forget every year. I suppose it's usually because I'm caught up in Mardi-Gras; however, that certainly has not been the case this year. I have a good start on my story board for my web site. Dr. Strange, if you happen to read this, please give me some ideas of where to look for international blogs. OK, guess I'd better go try to find a box of candy!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

k-12 classroom example #2

While searching for classroom blogs, I came across a computer teacher who refers to herself as a "cool cat" aka. Vicki Davis. She posts weekly assignments for her students and has them make individual entries to post their answers to their assignments, like I am doing right now. It isn't the blogging itself that caught my attention- it was the individual blogs. When you click on a student's name, it takes you to that student's personal blog where you can find each assignment posted by that student. I read blogs that looked similar to some of my earlier blogs- some as simple as "I'm here- what now?". She must really be a cool teacher for I read a blog from one of her students begging for more time on the assignment. He had apparantly deprived himself of sleep-out late due to extracurricular activities- and had run out of time on the assignment. I will face these same situations as an educator and will have to make the decision weather or not to extend due dates. I probably will not be a "cool cat" teacher. To visit this blog click here.

Science Blog k-12 example

I found a classroom blog of a science teacher in Littleton, Colorado. I think her methods of instruction are clever. She engages her students in discussion by posting a thought and having them comment on it through blogging. She posts contraversal topics such as stem cell ethics, evolution, and cloning. She also adds links for her students to go to in order to view videos and read materials. The comments and opinions of her students vary widely and are based primarily on personal religious beliefs.If you would like to visit this website click here.

Weekly Post (Feb4-Feb10)

While searching the web for k-12 classroom blogs, I came across one blog to a high school in Albany, New York I found to be interesting. Some students have links to personal blogs, while others blogs are school- related. There are lots of blogs about community and national news as well as schoolnews. Apparantly Albany High has had a recent history of violence. There seems to be tension mounting between uptown-downtown students which causes several fights to break out. The issue of racial differences has been commented on by several students and some outside sources as well. I read some interesting comments from a mother of bi-racial students. If you want to visit this web site click here. These will be the issues we face as educators in the future.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Today we are supposed to start a tri-fold brochure (another term I am unfamilar with), but that's what were here for- to learn.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Advantages/Disadvantages k-12 Blogging

When we first began blogging, I had never heard the word "blog". In fact, I have never heard of a power point presentation or a trifold brochure either. I suppose the number of years I have been out of school has put me at somewhat of a disadvantage. I can see how blogging could be useful in k-12 classrooms. Even though blogging requires typing, it still provides practice in basic writing skills. Having peers view one another's work, rather than simply handing in handwritten assignments for a grade, may make students more concious of spelling and punctuation errors. Also, the high-achieving students may add links to their blogs which could help motivate some of the low-achieving students by providing extra material for them to read on a particular subject. However, because blogs are a type of personal diary, students may feel impowered to "speak their minds". Students may make negative comments about a particular subject or subject content that may influence the attitudes of otherwise motivated students.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kem's Presentation

I really enjoyed Kem's presentation. It wasn't so much the content as it was her ability to speak. I really think she did an excellent job of including the audience. Her eye contact with her audience was also captivating. I can see that she will make a good teacher through her ability to present.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Jikhan's presentation

As I listened to Jikhan speaking about the death of his mother and the responsibility of having younger siblings looking to him to set an example, I realized how lucky I was to have had my mother for 36 years. I could not imagine having lost her at 13 years of age. I'm 38 now and I have been feeling like an orphan for more than two years now.

Monday, January 22, 2007


I have been a horse lover as long as I can remember. Although I don't ride much anymore, I still have one horse just for the sake of "pasture ornament". He'll be 22 yrs. old in Feb. and I've had him for about 19 years.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


I'm still trying to post a comment to Jennifer's blog.

Miss Jennifer

I would like to introduce you to one of my classmates. This is Jennifer Scott

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

If you would like to go to my brother's family web pageclick here

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Not as scarry as before

I think I am getting the hang of this. I didn't even have to look for instructions this time.

Power Point Presentation

I have decided to do my PPP about what I do to earn income.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Link to Tuesday Thursday 2 Class Blog

To go to the Tuesday Thursday Class Blog click here.


I sure hope I can remember how to do this.