Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Web site link

Now that I understand a little more about creating a web-site, I would probably try to create something a little more difficult if I had it to do again. I have completed my web-site. I have corrected all of the red warning tags. My web-site explains some of the myths associated with certain gemstones.To view my web-site click here.

1 comment:

Brendon said...

Hello this is Brendon, i have been assigned to look at your website. I jus got through doing so and i thought i was pretty good. Probably better than mine, mine has been really pissn me off!! But anyway, everything i saw was working properly and the buttons worked. I also enjoyed looking and reading a little bout various gems. I am retarded when it comes to gems and jewelery. Hope you have a great summer and keep up the good work!!