Wednesday, February 7, 2007

k-12 classroom example #2

While searching for classroom blogs, I came across a computer teacher who refers to herself as a "cool cat" aka. Vicki Davis. She posts weekly assignments for her students and has them make individual entries to post their answers to their assignments, like I am doing right now. It isn't the blogging itself that caught my attention- it was the individual blogs. When you click on a student's name, it takes you to that student's personal blog where you can find each assignment posted by that student. I read blogs that looked similar to some of my earlier blogs- some as simple as "I'm here- what now?". She must really be a cool teacher for I read a blog from one of her students begging for more time on the assignment. He had apparantly deprived himself of sleep-out late due to extracurricular activities- and had run out of time on the assignment. I will face these same situations as an educator and will have to make the decision weather or not to extend due dates. I probably will not be a "cool cat" teacher. To visit this blog click here.

1 comment:

mj blackburn said...

That is a good idea. I always wanted an escort service of my own. I think I may be too jealous to make any money at it though.