Thursday, March 29, 2007

Disney World

I am currently planning my next trip to Disney World. Although I haven't been in many years, I have been many times. My favorite park is the Magic Kingdom. In my heart, the castle is the official symbol of the Magic Kingdom. The oldest picture I have of myself in front of the castle was taken about 32 years ago. If you have never been to Disney World click here to get more information.


buterflidreams said...

I'm planning a vacation to disney world too! I've been before but my husband hasn't.

Jikhan said...

I veiwed your website and it was very nice.

P.S. Diamonds are man's best friend too!!!!!

Charles said...

I'm planning one also, I might see you there

Rakesia Brown said...

I love what you did your site on!

LaVera said...

I have never been to Disney World...Hopefully one day I'll get the chance to go.